Direct measurement of the finds from the reference points
Student during one of the stages of photographic documentation
Some pictures from the field school of 2013
Workers during the excavation of the of the millstones' wreck came to light in 2006
Some pictures from the field school of 2013
Graphic documentation of a find
Worker while using the dredge
Worker while filming the context of investigation
Worker during the phases of drawing of the plan frame
Worker while using the dredge




Last spaces available at cut price to attend the
2019 Underwater archaeology field school in San Vito lo Capo
for those enrolling by august 25th.

Click here for additional info and requirements


Our privacy policy


Privacy policy

The data provided to the staff of will be treated in accordance with the provisions of italian current legislation on privacy, in particular by Legislative Decree no. 196/2003.

The information provided is also based on the guidelines contained in Recommendation no. 2/2001, which was adopted on 17 May 2001 by the European data protection authorities within the Working Party set up under Article 29 of European Directive 95/46/EC in order to lay down minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online - especially with regard to arrangements, timing and contents of the information to be provided by data controllers to users visiting web pages for whatever purpose.


Categories of Processed Data

Navigation data
For safety reasons, and in order to fulfill specific legal obligations, data is recorded technical user connection within text files stored in the server (so-called log files).
Within the log files are recorded a series of technical data such as:

  • IP address of the visitor;
  • date and time of access;
  • displayed page;
  • any web page of origin;
  • browser and operating system used.

These data allow to trace the identity of the owner of the connection, but this is only after special technical checks that can be performed only by legal order. Under no circumstances our employees will independently trace the identity of visitors by such navigation data and in no case will be made reunification with other sources of data that may be in our possession in order to trace the paths of navigation of specific users.


For more information about the use of cookies by and third-party companies, please visit this page where you can see the detailed information (Cookies policy).


Data Provided Voluntarily by Users

It will be given a specific information whenever access to certain services is subject to a registration procedure that provides for communication of personal information.
This transfer of data, sometimes, can be executed by the user in a simplified manner by means of procedures of "connection" with external services (eg Facebook Connect) who shall, after the explicit consent, to send automatically and electronically the data necessary to provide the service requested.
The acquisition of the data, if required, is a prerequisite for access to the services offered by our network.


Aims of treatment

We use the navigation data and those who are given voluntarily by the users only for the purposes for which the data were collected. In some cases it is possible that your data may be communicated and / or treated with the help of outside suppliers, who receive and utilize only the data necessary to perform the task for which they have been called into question.

  • The log files are processed by us to check the correct functioning of the site and protect our systems from possible cyber attacks;
  • The personal data provided voluntarily are treated:
    • to provide the services required;
    • to effect any transactions billing (in case of payment services);
    • base to receive the newsletter service or make the sending of advertising;
    • to process specific user requests automatically or manually.
  • Cookies are treated according to what is stated in the statement.


Processing Arrangements

Personal data is processed with automated means for no longer than is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it has been collected.

Specific security measures are implemented to prevent the data from being lost, used unlawfully and/or inappropriately, and accessed without authorisation.


Non-mandatory provision

A respect for navigation data (log files), and in part for cookies (which still may be blocked and / or deleted using special features built into the browser), the user is free to provide or not personal data indicated in the registration forms and / or information request. It should be noted, however, that their absence can make it impossible to fulfill the request.


Data controller

Responsible for the processing of personal data is Giano snc, with headquarters at Santa Marta # 61 in Pisa (PI). To request information about the processing of personal data, fill in the contact form and write in the subject "Privacy".


Rights of interested party

Under Article no. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 196/03, the user has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of their data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or update, or correction. The user also has the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or block of data in violation of the law, and oppose any case, for legitimate reasons, to their treatment.
In any case, the person concerned can exercise their rights by sending a written request by mail at our office or fill in the form on this page (please write in the subject "Privacy").


Cancellation requests from specific services

The request for deletion of personal data could result in the consequent interruption of services offered the access to which was subject to the acceptance of the same treatment.
If you wish to cancel your registration for that service we ask you to fill out the form on this page (please write in the subject "Privacy").