Graphic documentation of a find
Direct measurement of the finds from the reference points
Worker during the phases of drawing of the plan frame
Some pictures from the field school of 2013
Some pictures from the field school of 2013
Worker while filming the context of investigation
Workers during the excavation of the of the millstones' wreck came to light in 2006
Worker while using the dredge
Student during one of the stages of photographic documentation
Worker while using the dredge




Last spaces available at cut price to attend the
2019 Underwater archaeology field school in San Vito lo Capo
for those enrolling by august 25th.

Click here for additional info and requirements


Our cookies policy


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Cookies policy

In accordance with the decision of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data of 8 May 2014, entitled "Identification of simplified procedures for the information and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies", Giano snc, the company which manages the site www., wishes to inform you of the following, stating that the information provided here should be understood as an annex to the more general privacy policy is available from this page.


General information about cookies

When you sign in or use one of our services, our system or one of our partners may set or read cookie and / or other types of identifiers about the browser and / or the device you are using.

A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the computer of someone viewing a website in order to record certain information about your visit and to create a system to recognize you even in moments later. Identifiers of devices, however, are generated by collecting and processing some information such as IP address and / or the user agent (browser version, type and version of the operating system) or other characteristics of the device, again in order to reconnect with certain information to a specific user.

A Web site may set a cookie on your browser only if the preferences configured for this permit.It's important to know that a browser may allow a particular Web site access exclusively to cookies set by it and not those set by other websites: there is no risk to your privacy in this regard.


Practices related to cookies and other similar technologies

Giano s.n.c. may use cookies or other type of identifiers for a number of reasons, including:

  • Provide access to restricted areas of the site and accedibili behind authentication (in this case cookies are called "technical" and are used to maintain the browsing session and / or to facilitate future access from the same device).
  • Track user preferences while using the site and / or services incorporated therein or connected thereto.
  • Offer relevant content to the interests of visitors (only third-party cookies).
  • Statistical analysis (analytics) on the use of the site and / or services incorporated therein.
  • Conduct research to improve the content, products and services.


Giano s.n.c. DO NOT use directly any profiling cookie: the only cookie generated and managed directly are so-called cookie technicians (which are used exclusively to provide services properly offered to the public) and, in a very limited way, analytics cookies (which are used to count the number of reads to the various pages of the site and / or for other purposes of statistical). Note, however, that users through our pages may be generated cookie profiling by third-party (Ref. "Cookies of other companies").


Cookies of other companies

This site integrates, within its pages, third-party services that could set up and use their cookie and / or similar technologies. The use of such cookies and similar technologies by such companies is governed by the privacy policies of those companies and not by this information being Giano snc totally unrelated to the management of these instruments and the processing of data derived from them.

We provide below a list (not exhaustive) of some of the partner companies that may use cookies while surfing the site:


To learn more about cookies and to manage preferences about cookies (first and / or third party) users are invited to visit the platform But please note that disabling cookies or navigation functional ones can cause malfunction of the Site and / or limit the service offered by Giano snc.

In case of doubts or suggestions about the use of cookies, please contact us from this page.


Cookies Google Analytics

This site makes use of the service offered by Google Analytics in order to have a complete and reliable statistics on the use of the site. In order to ensure as rigorously as possible the privacy of users we communicate have taken steps to make the anonymizing IP (therefore Google Analytics will anonymize the IP address of the user / visitor as soon as technically possible in step more upstream of the network where data is collected).

The Holder also informs that it has accepted the amendment on data processing (Google Analytics Data Processing Amendment) made available by Google Analytics in accordance with Directive 95/46 / EC. In particular, by virtue of this amendment ensures that Google will treat the personal data recorded by the service only used in accordance with instructions given by the operator of the site and not to share them with other Google services unless this has been explicitly requested and authorized by owner of the site itself.

In view of the above, we inform you that the advertising options and data sharing with Google were not activated and that Google Analytics is not linked to any additional service: the treatment, therefore, it is made merely for statistical purposes and therefore, on the basis of as expressly provided by the Privacy, Analytics cookies were treated to cookies and technicians like those installed without the user's prior consent.


Disable cookies

You can configure your browser to accept or reject all cookies or particular types of cookies (such as third-party cookies) or you can choose to be notified whenever a cookie is set inside of your computer.

It 'important to know that the rejection of all cookies might prevent you enjoy the products and services of the site requiring that your accessing, using username and password, to reserved areas to registered users. All of these services, in fact, require cookies to function properly and, consequently, any cookie blocking would make it impossible to use.


Following the instructions for the most popular browsers in order to perform a custom configuration about cookies:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
    1. click on "Tools" at the top of your browser window;
    2. select "Internet Options";
    3. Click on the "Privacy" tab;
    4. to activate the cookies, the privacy level must be set to "Medium" or below; by setting the privacy level above the "Medium" will disable the use of cookies.
  • Mozilla Firefox
    1. click on "Tools" at the top of your browser window;
    2. select "Options";
    3. select the icon "Privacy";
    4. click on "Cookies";
    5. select whether or not the items' Accept cookies from sites "and" Accept third party cookies ";
  • Google Chrome
    1. Click the icon of the menu;
    2. select "Settings";
    3. at the bottom of the page, select "Show Advanced Settings";
    4. in the "Privacy" section, select "Content settings";
    5. select whether or not the "Block sites from setting any data."
  • Apple Safari
    1. Click the "Safari" at the top of your browser window;
    2. select "Preferences";
    3. click on "Privacy";
    4. set your choice in the "Cookie and information websites".


Delete all cookies

If you want you can delete all the cookies generated directly from the site by clicking the link below:

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Unfortunately we can not provide a method just as fast for the cancellation of third party cookies because, technically, this is only possible using the appropriate feature of cleaning browser.